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Money Managers

Both Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) and Commodity Pool Operators (CPOs) are Asset Managers and both are regulated by the U.S. Federal Government through the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) with additional oversight from the National Futures Association (NFA).

A Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) is an individual, who, or an organization, which, for compensation or profit, advises others, directly or indirectly, as to the value of, or the advisability of buying or selling futures contracts or commodity options. Providing advice indirectly includes exercizing trading authority over a customer's account, as well as giving advice through written publications or other media. NFA requires a CTA to deliver a Disclosure Document for the offered program to a prospective client prior to, or when it delivers its' advisory agreement to the client.

A Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) is an individual, who, or an organization, which operates or solicits funds for a commodity pool; that is, an enterprise in which funds contributed by a number of persons, are combined for the purpose of trading futures contracts or commodity options, or to invest in another commodity pool. NFA requires CPOs to deliver a Disclosure Document to a prospective pool participant prior to, or when it delivers the pool’s subscription agreement to the participant. CPOs are also required to provide NFA and pool participants annual financial statements. In addition, CPOs are required to provide pool participants monthly or quarterly account statements.

CTAs and CPOs make available their trading experience and knowledge to high-risk takers and true speculators looking for exceptional returns on their investments. If in light of your financial condition, you find yourself capable and ready to enter this risky type of alternative investment, but lack the time and expertise to take trading matters in your own hands, scrolling through Broker Junction is ready to introduce you to duly registered and U.S.-licensed Money Managers ready to trade your managed account on your behalf.

Please contact us so we can arrange a web conference consultation via GoToMeeting with you to learn more about your risk preferences and investment objectives in a confidential person-to-person setting so we can find the most suitable money manager for you.