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About Us

Broker Junction, Series L.L.C. is a Delaware incorporated company, registered as a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and Commodity Pool Operator (CPO) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and a member of the National Futures Association (NFA- ID 0357061) since 2005.

To find out more information on all NFA members including Commodity Trading Advisors (CTA), Commodity Pool Operators (CPO) and Brokers, please call NFA at 1.888.366.6321, or visit NFA's website at - Use the “Broker/Firm Information” section to the upper right-hand side to check any NFA member's registration status, history and disciplinary information.

It is part of our representatives’ duties to establish a profile of each client, based not only on financial information, but also on clients' investment objectives and experience levels as well. Within this framework your advisor will be able to suggest and execute trades on a wide range of time scales from short-term (day trading) to medium and long-term strategies (position trading), including ways of hedging any existing underlying cash positions that clients may already have.

As a Broker Junction client you have access to our team of experienced client advisors. They are ready to provide you recommendations and will advise you on particular foreign exchange currency pairs or commodities futures and options contracts in which you might be interested.