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Educational Webinars

The financial markets are risky and being educated can make a difference. Having a coach or mentor can be critical for your first few years in trading. This educational webinar is for traders from all walks of life, from any level and is tailored based on your trading needs, your trading issues and how these kinks can be sorted out.

Brief summary of covered topics:

  • Rookies: Understanding the basics, candlesticks, technical and fundamental analysis, developing market analysis, risk management, charting, & channels

  • Intermediate: Developing your trading personality, determining trends, spotting trends, price motion action, creating your trading plan, executing the trading plan, & risk management.

  • Advanced: Trading Strategies (in depth), trading goals and targets, tackling the market's pitfalls, assessment of your trades, when to trade and when to not trade, & picking the right trading session for you.

  • Psychology of Trading: How to manage your emotions, how to balance your trading life, trading discipline, executing your trading plan, back up trading plans, understanding your trading strengths and weaknesses.

Weekly Webinar Schedules (excluding holidays):

NOTE: Only once you finalize your payment, you will receive an email with your GoToMeeting Access Code, so you can join our spot forex (FX) and our futures and options (F&O) educational webinars as many times as you like.

Simply go to, click on "Join A Meeting" and then enter the Access Code corresponding to the session that you would like to join. View our webinar schedule below and simply tune into the webinar of your choice.

Webinar Schedule for Mondays

Session Time Fee GoToMeeting Access Code
Spot Forex Mondays 12 PM EST $100

Webinar Schedule for Tuesdays

Session Time Fee GoToMeeting Access Code
Futures & Options Tuesdays 12 PM EST $179

Webinar Schedule for Fridays

Session Time Fee GoToMeeting Access Code
Equities/Stocks Fridays 12 PM EST $699

Ausbildungswebinare (ausser an amerkanischen Feiertagen) in Deutsch:


Session Time Fee GoToMeeting Access Code
Spot Forex Montags 18:00 Uhr MEZ $100 Jetzt Kaufen


Session Time Fee GoToMeeting Access Code
Futures & Options Dienstags 18:00 Uhr MEZ $179 Jetzt Kaufen


Session Time Fee GoToMeeting Access Code
Aktien Freitags 18:00 Uhr MEZ $699 Jetzt Kaufen

Einfach bei auf die Teilnehmen Taste oben, rechts auf Ihrem Bildschirm klicken und den 9-stelligen Zugangscode eingeben.

Anmerkung: Unsere Live Futures & Options bzw. Forex Trading Webinare bieten wir Ihnen zu einem Preis von jeweils nur $399 pro Jahr an! Wenn Sie Ihre Zahlung abgeschlossen haben, erhalten Sie per E-Mail Ihren GoToMeeting-Zugangscode! Den benutzen Sie dann so oft Sie moechten, um an unseren Live Trading Sessions teilzunehmen.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.