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Copy-Trading Services - Futures & Options

Broker Junction's copy trading (aka mirror trading or shadow trading) concept allows many types of investors, like newcomers to the world of online trading for example, as well as advanced traders, to copy trades placed by others, including non-professionals, as well as CFTC-registered/licensed industry professionals.

As a newcomer to the world of online trading, you get to automatically copy Futures and Options trades placed by HeadTraders™ into your own self-directed trading account. A HeadTrader is someone whose trades are copied by other clients called TrailTraders™. Clearly, Broker Junction's HeadTraders put their money where their mouths are! This modern approach to investing allows you to replicate live trades entered by professionals as well as non-professionals with some of their own skin in the game!

As an inexperienced trader, you open your live, self-directed account because you want to generate income AND because since 2008, you have learned not to rely on your bank, pension fund or life insurance policy any longer. You have been shocked to learn that these big institutions bet against their own clients instead of working for them (Macalister, Terry. "Revealed: Goldman Sachs 'Made Fortune Betting Against Clients.'" The Guardian. April 24, 2010). You have decided that it is best to take your financial needs into your own hands and now you want to review past trading results of other traders' live accounts, before you select whose lead to follow, and from whom to learn something at the same time, quite possibly.

As an advanced trader, you open your live, self-directed account because you are interested in becoming a CFTC-registered industry professional. You understand that Broker Junction will assist you with becoming properly licensed and registered as an Associated Trader of Broker Junction, once you open your live, self-directed account via Broker Junction and manage to showcase your trading skills for at least four months. Note: Either within these four months or at any time thereafter, you must pass Series 3 and Series 34 examinations to fulfill U.S. regulatory requirements. Upon passing both of these exams, Broker Junction will be able to compensate you. Thus, you will be able to enjoy your trading profits (in a best case scenario) and get paid a portion of the commissions paid by all other trading account holders who copy your trades. So, our offer to you is: Trade Well→Get Copied→Get Paid!
